There are 14 KPI’s that you should use to manage your daily operations. Get these 14 KPI’s right and maximizing performance and profitability will become a lot easier.
Following are the 14 KPI’s and the target results you should be working to achieve:
- Return on Sales (ROS) % (3.5%)
- Aftersales Absorption (75%)
- PO to NV Ratio (1:1)
- Total Selling Expenses % GP (20%)
- NV & PO Sales / Sales Person (120)
- PO Inventory Turn [days] (45)
- Return on PO Investment (80%)
- Overall Efficiency (115%)
- Labor GP % (76%-80%)
- Total Service Expenses % GP (85%)
- Retail Hours / RO (2.0)
- Total Parts Expenses % GP (30%)
- Parts GP % (30%)
- Parts Stock Turn (8-10)
If you need help understanding your KPI’s, give our team of ProFit Optimizers a call on (772) 240-8566 or email